A Global Mind aspects in remake of oriental game ...

On original idea of game Global Consciousness from old India , we based our game of Global Mindness - Anti-apocalyptic existence...
Where a sin was painted, we find we find a weakness of modern life... where a gods powers was helping, there is a nice luckyness now...
But is only change in the game.. On fabric is painted a map, we starts on lower right corner and winner ends in double center of Anarchy, happyness or calmness... Throw a cube and move a figure to the left on first row, and to the right on socond row... Follow an arrows and marks: 2x, stop, back... and of course magic wands to fast move - or avoid a dangerous spears.. In indian original is all more exact and calculated.. in spirits of karma causualities. But we don't care, rebuild it like you want to...
Game finish in Anarchy or Harmony symbols of flag of Followers of the Apocalypse... If you overthrow, you still have a chance in double-direction arrow otherwise continue on the top and the back on start.
Once we weave this on real fabric and perfectly cacule, but today is good enough for our needs... So enjoy...